About me

I am a second-year graduate student in CS at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, advised by Professor Frederic Sala. I am also happy to be guided by his senior student Nicholas Roberts. My research interests include Machine Learning with limited data and foundation models. Before that, I earned my B.S. also at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a double major in Computer Science & Mathematics.


Work Experience

Roblox Corporation

Software Engineer Intern, AI/ML Team May 2023 -- Aug. 2023

  • Designed, developed, and deployed a full-stack project with a Slack Bot that integrates Vector Database & Large Language Model which can perform complex Q&A based on custom knowledge by Prompt Engineering.
  • Created an efficient data pipeline, ingesting diverse documents (Confluence, Stackoverflow, Github) and generating vector embeddings for rapid retrieval.
  • Conducted tests with multiple Large Language Models and different Prompt Design techniques, resulting in a better solution that outperformed the existing Question Answering Slack Bot within the company.

Teaching Experience

Comp Sci 540 — Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Fall 2024

Comp Sci 300 — Programming II

Fall 2023, Spring 2024


Served as a reviewer for NeurIPS 2024, ES-FoMo@ICML2024

Undergraduate Projects

Tessellations on the Poincaré Half-Plane and Disk

  • Participated in the Summer 2022 UW-Madison Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in Analysis funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), advised by Professor Andrew Zimmer.
    [Poster PDF]

Random Walks on Groups